Currently open positions

Do you see yourself in any of these positions?
Let us know right now at

Mobirise Website Builder
Experienced Unity Developer
(+2 years professional experience required)

Are you an experienced Unity developer passionate about collaborating with a team of experts to create amazing gaming experiences? Do you have a solid history in the industry and a knack for developing innovative solutions? Join our development team and work alongside talented professionals to bring extraordinary games to life!

Mobirise Website Builder
Junior Unity Developer
(freetime/school projects resume required)

Are you a young talent entering the industry, ready to be challenged and grow? Do you have impressive free-time or school projects that showcase your potential? This is the perfect position for you to shine and develop your skills.

Mobirise Website Builder
2D/3D artist
(+2 years professional experience required)

Are you an experienced 2D or 3D artist with industry experience, eager to work on the next big project? Join us to elevate our creative process and collaborate with a team of amazing designers and artists.

Mobirise Website Builder
UX/UI Designer
(+2 years professional experience required)

Are you skilled at creating amazing and creative user interfaces? Have you transformed mundane UIs into exceptional experiences in the past? Join us and help craft the best UI/UX experiences for our players.

Mobirise Website Builder
Lead Game Designer
(+2 years professional experience required)

Do you have experience leading design efforts and creating amazing games? Do you love mobile games and the ideology on which they are built? Is player value your top priority? Can you collaborate effectively with artists and developers to bring your ideas to life? Take this opportunity to steer our future titles and set new standards in game design.

Mobirise Website Builder
Game Economy Designer
(+2 years professional experience required)

Are numbers your thing? Do you love analyzing systems and economies and bringing order to chaos? Seize this opportunity to be the guardian of order and help us build engaging and well-monetized game economies.

Mobirise Website Builder
Live-ops Designer

Are you new to design and willing to invest hours in learning? Creating amazing live-ops experiences for our communities worldwide might be the right place for you. Help us engage players and create memorable moments in our games.

Mobirise Website Builder
QA tester

Help us elevate the quality of our games by squashing pesky bugs and providing valuable feedback on new developments. Are you an avid mobile gamer with a long list of games you've explored? Then you might be the perfect fit for our team!

Mobirise Website Builder
Game Marketer
(+2 years professional experience required)

Are you experienced in selling games globally, showcasing them in the best light, and making players of all ages fall in love with our titles? Do you enjoy working with keywords, campaigns, and ASO? Be part of our team and help us become the number one global player.

Do you see yourself in any of these positions?
Let us know right now at

Looking for EXCEPTIONAL talents!

Do you have what it takes?
Unity developers

Do you thrive on pushing the boundaries of Unity to create unforgettable gaming experiences? Are you driven by technology and a passion for game development?

Join our DEVELOPMENT team and bring your visionary ideas to reality!

Game designers

Do you excel at generating fresh ideas and analyzing what makes games truly engaging? Are you passionate about designing games that inspire and challenge players?

Become a part of our DESIGN team and shape the future of gaming!

Game artists

Are you an artist at heart with a love for both 2D and 3D graphics? Do you thrive on transforming ordinary menus into extraordinary experiences with your UI/UX expertise?

Join our ARTIST team and let your creativity shine!

Game marketers

Do you know how to make a game irresistible and keep millions of players hooked? Are you eager to spread the love for our games far and wide?

Then don’t wait our MARKETING team needs your expertise!

Growing team at NOXGAMES

NOXGAMES is an indie game development team with 150+ successful titles since 2005 and we aren't stopping, just the opposite. And that is why we need YOU!

Join our young team of talents on the once in the lifetime journey into the wilderness of game industry and become part of something truly special!


Didn't find what you were looking for?

Mobirise Website Builder
It would be a shame to miss a great talent!

Reach out to us and be sure that amazing talents are more then welcomed here!

Free AI Website Creator